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Mum & Us

Featured Journal

I navigate this journey with a motherless heart!

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"How are you?"

In darkest moments of my grief when my wounded heart is sore
there are so few words can express the depths of my loss and the pain

"How are you?"

a simple and routine greeting in our everyday interactions
we often reply with a brief and polite answer such as "I'm fine"
but this seemingly innocent and benign question falls like lead
a crushing weight upon the shoulders of one in a grieving state 

"How are you?"

it came in the aftermath of my profound loss of my dear Mum
those well-meant words that I have heard countless times before
suddenly became a source of discomfort and an impossible task
for me to give my usual standard response in my darkest hours

"How are you?"

I looked up in such a disbelief and my bleeding heart sighed
and I ignored the question totally but screamed loudly inside
“what the fuck you think I am that I just lost my darling Mum?”
since I refused to inaccurately convey the depth of my sorrow

"How are you?"

a simple and well intentioned question can be hurtful and
bring not solace to us grieving souls but a pain that stings
whilst we are navigating a tumultuous sea of emotions and
our grieving hearts know a wound so deep for words to compose

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Furong Xing Naghten

I am a motherless daughter and an adult orphan, who loves passionately and grieves intensely, as I write and share about my personal grief journey with others, after I lost my darling Mum on 04 October 2022

to major stroke so suddely and so unexpectedly, with the hope that it might comfort, help and inspire people on their own journey.

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"Mum, I carry your strength
with every step I take
on this new path

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